Monday, September 27, 2010

I've got a Feeling

Last week was a difficult week for me. Nothing happened in particular that made it especially rough, but for some reason I was down. It seems like most of the time when I get online and post I usually have pretty upbeat things to say. I guess I can be a little more real when I say I was in a funk and felt so guilty about being in one.
For the most part, I try to be thankful for the blessings bestowed upon me. I really think that God has a plan and things happen for a reason or to help me grow toward Him. When you are bummed I think it's hard to remember those blessings eventhough you know they are there. That's when I start to feel guilty because I know it will pass and I dislike feeling down or sorry for myself. I think it's human nature to feel a little low every once in a while. Luckily, Jonathan was sweet and also knows when I need my own space. For this reason, I stuck around the house and did things just for me while he went to the football game.
I cleaned, gardened, grocery shopped, bathed Dax, tested new recipes, and painted. It felt amazing to have an indulgent weekend. A weekend where I ate mocha mudslide icecream, drank wine, watched girlie movies (Serendipity, Newsies, Devil Wears Prada), and caught up on some painting. I spray painted furniture (bar stools that needed a face lift) and worked on getting oil paintings for my Etsy shop... one day I will have it up I swear!
{Please note a few of these paintings are works in progress like the one pictured here}
I can say that having some alone time was exactly what I needed. When you spend all day on the phone for work, come home and talk non-stop, over and over again it's easy to feel drained after a while. I think everyone needs to recharge their batteries and have one of these weekends every so often. I am not going to lie when I say it would have been nice to have an extra day, but I am thankful for the one I got. I hope that next time I need of these days it won't take me so long to notice.

I hope you enjoy your week and take time for you. I know I will be.


  1. I watched the Newsies this weekend too!! One of my all time favorite movies. I even own the dvd and cd....haha Who doesn't love Christian Bale :)

  2. Wow you are so productive in the weekends you take for yourself. Thanks for keeping it real. We all have days/weeks like that too.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful weekend, just what you needed. We all get into a funk once in a while.

  4. That sounds great! I gardened too :) It is very relaxing and a nice quiet time. Unless your hubby turns on the sprinklers while you are trying to weed...woops! Glad you are rested--enjoy your week.

  5. glad you had a weekend to yourself. It's nice to have times like that :)

  6. sounds like a much needed weekend! Glad you had a nice quiet and relaxing time!!!

  7. Hi Katie, there is nothing wrong with having a down day... it's human! Sharing it on our blog is a pretty good outlet, and I hope you enjoyed your alone time.. it can be good for clearing your head :)
    I am embarrassed about my last post, can one share too much??
    Keep smiling,
    Flick xo

  8. Your painting are beautiful, and you are totally allowed to have a down time - everyone has it and it is great that you took time to do the things you love!

  9. It sounds like you worked out exactly what you needed. Great that you took the time and did what you wanted to do. What a lovely weekend.
    Thank you for sharing. Hope this week is good for you.
    Rebecca x

  10. I'm in desperate need for a day like that myself - I'm glad it helped you to feel better! Devil Wears Prada... one of my all-time favorite girly movies! And your paintings are really beautiful.

  11. Isnt it great to get into some paint! so Therapeutic.
    We all have our down days and I can relate when you end up feeling guilty about it....but its true that God always has a better plan than we can see ourselves.
    Happy weekend!!

  12. Ah ha ... you had the itch to be alone and do your things this week!!! =) SOOO funny! Sadly on my itch days I have to be attached to my home schoolin kid and my naughty dog!! *sigh* BUT... I had a very productive day yesterday...nothing is finished yet... the results will be posted in 3 days... ha ha! remember I said I had 4 days! =)
    I Love your first painting!

  13. Oh,I just lived this day of alone time vicariously, through you! Sounds entirely divine!

  14. It's perfectly fine for you to share your having a down few days with us - that's what we're here for. I totally relate to what you've written and know what you mean about trying to be grateful for all the positive things in your life but feeling overwhelmed by the thing pulling you down. It's great that you were able to take some time to recharge and have time for yourself x


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